Core Knowledge and School Life Media…
Core Knowledge Language Arts (CKLA) is a comprehensive program (Preschool–Grade 5) for teaching reading, writing, listening, and speaking while also building students’ vocabulary and knowledge across essential domains in literature, world and American history, and the sciences
CKLA was the inspiration for School Life Media and is used in the Hudson City School District.
As School Life Media begins its new school year in Hudson Central School District in November (its seventh year working in the district), School Life News will be formally integrating CKLA into its program in the 5th, 6th and 9th grades.
Read more about CKLA below…
“Back in 2006, the Core Knowledge Foundation set an audacious goal: revolutionize elementary reading instruction by building knowledge of history and science during the language arts block. We did this through domain-based read-alouds, discussions, and writing projects in CKLA. Then we put it online for free.
Today, we’re proud to be part of the open educational resources movement and even prouder to be helping elementary teachers across the country meet the Common Core standards. CKLA is the program of choice in thousands of schools from New York (where CKLA P-2 is on EngageNY to Louisiana, to Washoe’s Core Task Project.”
- Lisa Hansel, director of Knowledge Matters.
School Life Media in the News…
Register-Star, September 28, 2022
Statement from the Knowledge Matters Campaign Scientific Advisory Committee…
Calling on all literacy and education leaders, as well as K–12 journalists, to bring the role of knowledge to the forefront of Science of Reading conversations, in hopes of expanding the conversation and building more bridges between research and practice.
View our 2021-2022 Annual Report presented to the Hudson City School Board of Education on August 9, 2022
2021-2022 School Life News Annual Report
Summer Writing Activities
Click here to download free summer writing activities developed by our team for students and their families.
Questar III BOCES Superintendent Gladys I. Cruz’s Letter to the Editor in the July 12, 2022 edition of the Register-Star explores the topic of summer enrichment opportunities for school-aged children: